Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

Passive Voice: Present Perfect Tense "ALCOHOL AND HEALTH" and "Strategies for Weight Loss"

Heavy drinking always carries risks. But increasingly, studies are showing that light drinking (defined as 1 drink or less a day for women and 2 drinks or less a day for men) may have some health benefits.
Perhaps the most significant benefit is in cardiovascular health. Alcohol may help increase levels of high-density lipoprotein (“good”) cholesterol and may help reduce the clotting that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Red wine also is thought to contain phytochemicals (compounds occurring in plants) that also may help protect against cardiovascular disease.
Other studies suggest that light drinking may help protect against Alzheimer's disease, senility, and macular degeneration, an eye condition that is the leading cause of blindness in people age 65 years or older.
These benefits, however, are far from proved, and more study is needed to determine the role of light drinking in a healthful lifestyle. In addition, the potential benefits come with some substantial risks.
Any alcohol is hazardous for a pregnant woman and her developing fetus. In addition, it is risky for anyone with a family history of alcohol addiction to use alcohol. Alcohol use has health risks for everyone else. Alcohol slows brain activity, which in turn affects alertness and coordination, increasing the risk of falls and accidents while driving. It also can affect sleep and sexual function, increase blood pressure, and play a role in heartburn. There is also the hazard of drug interaction, for both over-the-counter and prescription drugs. In addition, heavy, chronic drinking has been linked with an increased risk of obesity, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and cancer of the throat, stomach, colon, and breast. Addiction is also a risk for anyone who uses alcohol.
For all of these reasons, moderation remains a key part of a healthful lifestyle. If you don't drink, there's no health reason to start doing so. If you already drink, there's no reason to stop. Just continue to enjoy wine, beer, or other spirits in moderation.

1.       In addition, heavy, chronic drinking has been linked with an increased risk of obesity, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and cancer of the throat, stomach, colon, and breast.
Selain itu, berat, minum kronis telah dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko obesitas, tekanan darah tinggi, osteoporosis, dan kanker pada tenggorokan, perut, kolon, dan payudara.

Strategies for Weight Loss

Short-term weight loss readily can be attained by extreme measures: a drastic reduction in caloric intake (semi-starvation); crash dieting; unbalanced diets emphasizing high fat and high protein with little or no CARBOHYDRATE. However, most of this lost weight represents WATER and muscle protein loss rather than fat loss. Without a commitment to changing long-term behavior, pounds lost will be rapidly regained; frequently lost muscle is replaced by fat at the termination of the weight loss program. Several popular, doctor-supervised, very low-calorie programs are available. There is little published data on the success rates of most weight management programs. The limited information available suggests that only 2 percent to 10 percent of people who have enrolled in such programs successfully keep off lost pounds for a year or more.
These strategies can lead to weight losses of several pounds per week and often employ liquid protein meal replacements. Current liquid formula diets are much improved over 1970s versions. Regular food allotments plus three meal replacements can bring the total calories up to 1,200 per day, and with supervision they are often safe for several weeks. A major disadvantage: They often reinforce the unhealthy pattern of eating lightly at breakfast and lunch, and eating heavily at dinner or later. Under starvation or semi-starvation conditions, usually less than 1,200 calories per day, the body's metabolism compensates for decreased caloric intake by gearing down the rate at which calories are burned. In other words the basal metabolic rate declines as a protective adaptation. Furthermore, the body preferentially breaks down protein in the early stages of semi-starvation to meet energy requirements; paradoxically, the body can therefore become proportionately fatter during this period. Programs that incorporate medications to curb craving as well as increased exercise and restricted caloric intake have been recommended for obese people.

1.       Programs that incorporate medications to curb craving as well as increased exercise and restricted caloric intake have been recommended for obese people.
Program yang menggabungkan obat untuk mengekang keinginan serta latihan meningkat dan asupan kalori terbatas telah direkomendasikan untuk orang gemuk.

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